Make money from writing

Join Semasasa, the new platform for African writers where you can showcase your writing skills, reach new audiences, earn money and build your network.

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Showcase Your Creativity

Create a beautiful portfolio of your writing and share it with the world.

Build Your Fanbase

Connect with readers across Africa and beyond who are eager to read your next piece.

Take Part In Competitions

Take part in regular writing competitions to showcase your skillls and get a chance to win cash.

Join The Weekly Draw

Use your collected points to enter regular draws to get a chance to win cash.

Get discovered by clients

Find clients who are offering online writing jobs.

Build Your Reputation

Climb in the Top Writers board and get recognition for your writing skills.

Connect with community

Meet other writers from your area at local writer meetups.

Get inspired by others

Read interesting content from other writers and improve your writing skills.